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Communication Information of Tourism or Parjatan Place of Jhenaidah | English
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বাংলাদেশের ঝিনাইদহ জেলার ভ্রমণ স্থানের যোগাযোগের বর্ণনার লিংক এখানে দেয়া আছে। ভ্রমণকারী ভ্রমণ স্থানে ভ্রমণ করতে ইচ্ছে পোষণ করলে এখান থেকে তথ্য নিয়ে ভ্রমণ করতে পারবে। এর ফলে রওনার পৃর্বেই তারা সে স্থানের যাতায়াত সম্পর্কে অবগত ও সঠিক সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণ করতে পারবে। তথ্যই সঠিক সিদ্ধান্ত নেয়ার মূল সহায়ক।


Here is the link to describe the contact place of Jhenaidah district of Bangladesh. If the traveler wishes to travel to the place of travel, he will be able to travel with information from here. As a result, they will be able to make informed and informed decisions about the journey before they leave. Information is the key to making the right decision.


Linik of Communication Information







Banyan tree of Mallikpur

Kamanna 26 Tombs of martyrs

The distance from Jhenaidah district headquarters is 25 km and you can go by bus or CNG to see this ancient banyan tree.

The distance from Jhenaidah district headquarters is 42 km and you have to go by bus or CNG.

Duttnagar Agricultural Farm

Gazi Kalu - Shrine of Champabati

ts distance from Jhenaidah is 48-50 km. Kaliganj by bus from Jhenaidah. After that you can go to Jivannagar by bus from Kaliganj and go to Duttnagar by bus.

Tomb of Gazi Kalu-Champabati, 1 km east of Bar Bazar in Kaliganj upazila of Jhenaidah district. From Jhenaidah you can take a bus or CNG to see the shrine of Gazi Kalu-Champabati.

Satgachhia Mosque

Mia building

The distance from Jhenaidah district headquarters is 34 km and the mosque can be reached by bus or CNG.

it is located in a village called Muraridaha, three kilometers away from Jhenaidah city.

Jorbangla Mosque

Shrine of Panju Shah

It is 30 km from Jhenaidah district headquarters and can be reached by bus or CNG.


From Harinakundu bus stand or Harinakundu Upazila Parishad by road to Satbridge Bazar, then to Panju Shahs shrine at Harishpur village.

Throat Mosque
K.P. Basus house

The Galakata Mosque can be reached by bus or CNG from Jhenaidah (30 km from Jhenaidah district headquarters).


The distance from Jhenaidah district headquarters is 20 km and you have to go to KP Basus house by bus or CNG.

Lalon Shahs Vita
Naldanga Temple

Satbridge by road from Harinakundu Upazila, then you can go to Lalon Shahs Vita in Harishpur village.


The distance from Jhenaidah district headquarters is 20 km and you can reach this Naldanga temple by bus or CNG.

Siraj Sair Shrine
Shailkupa Shahi Mosque

From Harinakundu Upazila to Satbridge Bazar, then to Harishpur village to visit Siraj Sais shrine.


The distance from Jhenaidah district headquarters is 20 km and you have to go to Shailkupa Shahi Mosque by bus or CNG.

Dhol Samudra Dighi


Early Mosque

It is 4 km from Jhenaidah district headquarters and can be reached by rickshaw, easybike to Dhol Samudra Dighi.


This place is located in Belat Daulatpur Mouza of Baro Bazar Union, about 25 km away from Jhenaidah-Jessore in Kaliganj Upazila.






Important Tourism Information of Bangladesh

by md. abidur rahman | parjatanbd | A Home of Tourism | Information Written and Managed By : Kazi Tarana Haque | কাজী তারানা হক

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